Annie, our "petite", newfoundland puppy, has been a great addition to our family. Here is what she looked like when we picked her up at 14 weeks. She had never walked on anything but a farm so she refused to walk in the store.
How cute is that! She was about 30 pounds then. So, why did we choose this breed? First, how adorable is she! That is what got us looking at first. Our friend's aunt just had a litter of this type of dog and we fell in love with the cuteness. My husband did some research and found that this breed is an amazing family dog, does great with children and adults, and really is just a lazy dog. Perfect for our tight living quarters. No hyperness like a lab, but loyal as one. I tried to go along with the talk about getting one, all the while thinking this will pass. But nope, later that night we were in the car, off to pick Annie, Alpine Annie to be exact, up. Annie, short for Annapolis, where we met and fell in love with eachother, quickly became part of our family.

And of course, I can't end this introduction to Miss Annie without mentioning our other lovable pet, Honey, our cat. Nope, we did not name him, but he is definitely the most affectionate cat I have come across. To this day, he is still trying to figure out the large black beast, Annie.
I have never owned a dog before. The endless love, adoration, this being has for us, is amazing. It teaches us each day to look past flaws individuals have and see them for who they are. Annie doesn't judge us if we are in a bad mood or have mismatched sox on. She loves us for the love we give to her. How do we know? The amount of doggy kisses she is willing to give each and every time we see her. As for Honey, his loving head bumps and deep, rolling purrs are all we need to know, he loves like Annie loves.
Love this! Dogs do teach us so much, especially how to love on a whole nother level!