Monday, February 13, 2012

We can see the light!

That is right, we are so close we can feel the comfort of our couch, the glow of our TV, the feeling of opening up the fridge when we want to. After 2 weeks of working on our living room after hours, we finally have paint up! Patrick worked constantly last week sanding and re-mudding areas of the drywall. 


 Trust me, it was quite a messy job, even our poor Annie was looking a little "lighter" after being covered in dust that found its way throughout out house. But, I came home, this part was done, so all that was left was to prime all walls and ceiling and paint. And at 11:59 pm last night, we finished, sort of.

 Here is where some speakers will be placed.

And here are some more speakers. Not sure how loud the living room will now be but Patrick says to trust him and I will do that since I am too exhausted to question the amount of speakers being placed in our small living room.

As for almost being finished. The walls will need a light second coat later today, then we can finally bring our furniture back in. Last step to bring this room back to looking like a room, the molding and baseboards. We have picked them out already and I can't wait for that last step. 
In the coming weeks we will be doing some smaller home improvements, nothing as major as this living room. If you know about ReStore, then you know how many awesome deals you can find and of course, going to a great cause. We are heading up there this weekend for a 50% off deal on doors. This house is old and the doors show it. Time to upgrade to fancier, panel doors! Yes ladies, married life is craaaazzzzy!!!!

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